Friday, June 14, 2013

A new Little Lady

     So there has been a lot going on this last week, and i know i promised myself that i would not neglect this blog as i have neglected blogs in the past, but we had a death in the family and i needed a few days to binge on bad food and cry alone on my couch while watching anime.  That being said, i re-watched all of Mushi-Shi this last week and made it a good way through Fairy Tail, as well as Basilisk and a handful of other movies.  We also got a new kitten!


She's a spaz and we love her.  Well the other kitties don't yet, but the humans and the ferrets do.  She has a healthy fear of the ferrets and thusly they have let her live.

So the pet count for the house is now:
Ferrets: 7
Kitties: 4
Toad: 1

Why did we get a new kitty you ask?  Well, I will tell you.  Mr. Squee's cancer is getting pretty bad these days, and i just can't deal with it.  I watch everyday to see if he's still alive and he's still cuddly but i know his time is coming.  That and on a trip to get a friend a kitten, i loved this little black ball of fury.  And so i acquired a new kitten. She makes little dragon noises instead of mews, so its fun to see her a little frustrated.

So anyway, here we are in the convention season and i have yet to go to many conventions.  Connecticon is happening soon and i am pleased to say that i am a part of the staff this year!  YAY!  I hope to learn a lot from them on how to run a bigger convention and will hopefully gain a lot of experience.

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