Hello to anyone who has stumbled onto this. It seems i have moved my blog from Wordpress to here. Mostly because Wordpress wouldn't let me customize my blog the way i wanted it to. So here's to (hopefully) better creativity!
I don't tend to blog very often, but i will try to be better about it, promise! I often wish i had written down or documented the processes i go through to get some of my art projects done. Hopefully this can be the place to do that. I also want to document my progress with BAM Con more publicly. I feel that most people don't even know i run a convention let alone how much work i put into it. There's research and screenings and contacting/networking with people all over the place! Its not that i mind not getting all the recognition but it bothers me when people don't even know i put work in.
Just a day or so ago, i ran into a few people who went to BAM Con, i know they did because i saw them there for all 3 days. They didn't say hi to me at all. When i said hi to them they acted like i was crazy to be talking to them about the convention, and even worse they then tried to dispute that i worked on the convention because (and i quote, mostly because it still pisses me off) they "know the girl who runs that convention, she never mentioned you." Wow, i hate you both, and you know who you are. On a side note, the girl they were talking about doesn't even work/volunteer at this convention, though they insisted she does.
So anyway, momentary rage aside, we are working hard on BAM Con 2014 and we have some dates in mind already as well as a big surprise that I can't quite announce yet! The wait will be worth it though, I promise.
BAM Con 2013 went pretty well for our second year. Our guests were awesome, and our con goers were amazing as well. I know I seem busy and frazzled at the con; but if you see me running around, say hello. I promise I will not bite! Aside from some minor technical issues and a few miscommunications, the con went smoothly. I know a lot of you have suggestions on how we can be better next year and I would love to hear them!
A few things we already went over were the lack of water and trashcans. We already addressed the issue with the hotel and we are coming up with a plan to do better next year.
I know a lot of you emailed and messaged us right before the con about all kinds of stuff that you couldn't find on the website. We tried to answer as many questions as possible via email but if we missed you, we are sorry. We are compiling a list of FAQ for the site that should be up as soon as we have answers for the questions.
We will be opening up submissions for panels as soon as we have some solid dates.
We will be having a few contests throughout the year as well as a few extra one-day events, so keep an eye out! The forums are a great place to keep up with these things!
A lot of you have come forward with suggestions for events, panels, or guests for next year’s con. There will be a place in the forums to discus and suggest these things, but please do not start contacting guests for us.
If you want to suggest some anime for us to show at the convention, that’s great. I love when you all do that. Please do not bring your anime fan sub to the con and ask that we play it from your flash drive though. This con has run for 2 years now and both years, this exact thing has happened. Don’t do it. We can’t show it. We need to go through a process to show anime at the convention and showing anything above and beyond what we planned is not allowed.
The cosplay this year was pretty great, i wish more of you all would sign up for the cosplay contests! I know we are not a big area but i was impressed by the level of cosplay that we did see. I hope it improves as the years go on.
I also hope that we can continue to have more diverse culture brought in to the con. I can't say that i like all geekdoms myself, but i will honestly give them all a shot. That said, i hope next year we can bring in some Firefly, Star Wars and Dr. Who fans as well as the anime & manga Otaku and Fugioshi, Homestucks, Bronys and Gamers.